Realm of shadows


Creatures born of shadow


Closed species created by Alexia Rosenne with Lore input and help from the Creative Inferno Discord Community - Please do not create your own Ombra or take from the lore and world without permission.

© Ombra. All rights reserved. Images by Alexia Rosenne.

The Birth of Tenebris

The Realm of Shadows

Realm of shadows

The Start of all shadow...In the beginning, there was nothing but the void. A vast, empty nothingness until an entity of Light formed the heavens one day, but alongside The Light formed an entity of Shadows.Both of these entities were simple and pure, just coexisting alongside one another. You may already know the story though of how the heavens created the mortal realm, but what about The Shadows?She sat back within her corner of the void and watched the creations of the heavens and, as one does, the other reacts. Being two parts of the same whole, it was inevitable. The Shadow began to shift and churn, expanding their form to match that of the heavens although she did not wish to rule over its creations, merely observe.From her being, water and dirt began to form, growing outward rapidly, then trees and a multitude of flora creating dense forests, thick marshes leading out to an ocean as far as the eye could see. Soon the new realm settled. Quiet and still, but void of fauna.The shadow merely wished for creatures made purely of shadow. She had observed heaven's creation of good and evil and the sorrow that had befallen those creatures. So, from the earth and sea, she formed the bases of her own creations. Beasts of all shapes and sizes filled its woods, seas, and sky with only one thing in mind: to live and survive.Millenia passed and the realm of shadows became a world where only the strong or cunning could survive. Creatures began to change and adapt to their environments and feed off the energy of the shadows all around them, one such species were the Ombra.Over the millennia, The Shadows watched over her creations live and thrive and for a while, merely content to observe until the day that the heavens took notice of the new realm. For some time, the heavens observed the new realm. Feeling the opposing nature, they grew unnerved and hostile towards the shadows. Eventually, the guiding force of the heavens reached out to the dark realm seeking to destroy it but was met with savage resistance.While The Shadows were a naturally impassive force, She had watched and learned from her creations, understanding the sensation of murderous intent towards itself as it had seen in many of its creatures before they consumed another, the shadows pushed back against the heavens, driving it back to the border of the two realms.This power struggle lasted millennia, causing the surfaces of the heavens and Tenebris to be irrevocably altered. As the two opposing forces were found to be evenly matched an accord was proposed that the two realms be barred from interacting with each other, including her own creations, meaning a creature of light could never trespass in the shadows and a creature of shadow will never step foot in the realm of light as they disgusted the heavens.The shadows found this acceptable but had her own idea. She didn't wish for her creatures to step forth into such an unsettling realm but was more than ok if a creature of light found its way into its world. Although, without its powers of light, she would muse and see how well the creatures would fare within her domain and how quickly it would be prey for the inhabitants.Since the first creatures stepped, flew and swam into the realm She had created, The Shadows poured forth her essence into the world allowing any of creatures to harness it if they could only figure out how. Many took to the energy quickly, subconsciously adapting it to their will or evolving with it over time. The shadows quickly began to form a symbiotic bond with these creatures and eventually granted them the ability to evolve further, making the first Ombra. The shadows became fascinated with these creatures, over time giving them collective knowledge at the stage of their evolution so they could watch them grow more quickly.Over time certain Ombra would come to feel the watchful gaze of The Shadows over them, sensing the guiding force within them and around them, these Ombra would look to peer back into the shadows, to communicate with them and so the first Seer's were founded. Though no words were spoken, the Seer's could feel the subtle flow and reactions of the shadow energy within and around them. Using this bond the Seer's were able to birth new and powerful magics into the world, eventually shattering the barrier between theirs and other realms, allowing them to travel but also allowing other creatures to make their way in.She walks among...For countless years, The Shadows have watched over her realm with vast interest, giving it only the one rule: survival of the fittest. So that it could govern itself with minimal interference on her part besides protecting it from the other divine forces, such as the heavens.As she watched over the Ombra she had created she was filled with love and curiosity which eventually led her to take the guise of one of her creations and walk amongst her people. The Shadows found this oddly freeing, to be just one of the hive so to speak and interact with others though it took her a while to build the courage to interact with them, no one has any idea who she is, but finding pleasure and love in hearing the Ombra praise "The Shadow Mother" in their ceremonies and rituals.Over time this caused the shadows to realize something was missing from their existence, noticing a growing sense of loneliness that still lingered even amongst the throng of others. One day it just came to her, she required a companion, someone to share in her existence and would know of her true self.The shadows dove deep into herself and scoured the memories of the departed Ombra and pieced together the traits she found most desirable, forming them into a dense mass and slowly breathing life into the new being.At first, it was just a mass of shadows like herself but through the chosen traits and access to the departed memories, the new being chose a large monstrous form from the best part of humanoid creatures he found, taking pride in the powerful form they had obtained. Even with chosen traits, the creature was granted freedom of choice and self-discovery and slowly began to learn about their new partner and her realm.They now join her in watching over and protecting Tenebris, even walking hand in hand among the tribes, smiling and laughing, learning what it means to truly love one another.

What Are Ombra?

Ombra. Feral beings that have adapted to the energies around them until they became one with the shadows themselves. Ombra are born into this realm as pure forms of chaos and darkness that take on an animalistic form until the achieve Aariv, between their 150th and 200th year, where they manifest the power to shift into a more humanoid form. How they spend the years in these feral forms greatly determines how their bodies and capacity for magic are affected. These Feral forms can vary from the species we all know and love in the human realm, to the unique and fascinating beings of Tenebris. When a first generation Ombra makes its change to it's humanoid form, they resemble the appearance of that of an adult of between 20-35 years.

Realm of shadows

Ombra lifespan
Ombra live to about 1000 years old, give or take, and have numerous stages of life.
1st Generation Ombra
First generation Ombra are those created by the shadows; who emerge as creatures and survive the wilds of Tenebris until the achieve Aariv
Year 0-150: Fully in their Feral forms, surviving as a creature of Tenebris
Between 150-200: Ombra achieve Aariv and gain their humanoid form and cognitive state, taking on the age appearance of between 20 and 35
800+: Ombra begin aging, slowly turning into Ombrite before returning to the shadows around the age of 1000.

2nd, 3rd, 4th generation Ombra
These are Ombra born of Ombra parents. Ombra are not able to conceive naturally and so partake in pilgrimages to the Lunar Temples located within the circles of Hell. With the ability to produce children, Ombra are able to produce offspring that will take on the traits of both parents. This usually results in a hybrid feral form that develops around adolescence. The child can in rare cases take on a gradient skin colour of the parents but most will take on greater physical abilities in exchange for a diminished connection to the shadows.
Year 0-10: Children are without their feral forms
Year 10-16: Feral forms begin to show signs of manifestation. Ritual is performed
Year 20-35: Ombra stop aging
800+: Ombra begin aging, slowly turning into Ombrite before returning to the shadows around the age of 1000.

Ombra Classes

Ombra can be categorised into 3 classes:

Realm of shadows

Bruiser - Lisbeth - By Rosenniaarts

These Ombra not only survived, but they also thrived at an early age within the shadows, many becoming apex predators within their own areas. Those who evolved into this state usually have larger muscular bodies as they subconsciously infused the power of their shadows into them. Many have sections of plated scales that allow for better defence as well as store large amounts of their energy. Unlike the mystics though, because of how their energy runs through their form, they are unable to have complex control of that energy, usually only able to send out large blasts of shadow magic or coat their weapons in it allowing them to almost become one with it. Bruisers are able to use their stored energy in bursts of physical feats like surging adrenaline through their bodies for a limited time. This can allow for devastating blows within combat or lift something twice their usual limits. Overuse of this ability can create devastating effects though such as shredding their muscles and tendons leaving them immobile until healed.

Realm of shadows

Mystic - Zodiac Ombra - Cancer - By RosenniaArts

The Ombra who survived in their feral form with cunning, using their environments around them to keep in control evolved with a much greater intelligence than the rest. Usually having more nimble and slender humanoid forms, these Ombra wield much greater control over their shadow abilities being able to manipulate them all kinds of ways, some even able to form doppelgangers of themselves able to speak as well as relay sights and sounds to their bodies. These Ombra also usually become the crafters of the tribes as some are born with rare abilities even to the other Mystics, being able to manipulate Ombrite into a malleable state and infuse or meld them to other objects. Mystics also have the highest probability of manifesting a second affinity to their shadow magic such as gaining an affinity for fire. This doesn't allow them to be able to learn fire magic like traditional spellcasters but allows their shadows to take on the qualities of fire, able to summon black flames into their hands.

Daji are Ombra who have essentially fallen to living shadow energy. They either emerge as Daji after failing to achieve Aariv and retaining a more feral characteristic. Or if they consume too much shadow energy, succumbing to a dark addiction.
All Ombrite crystals hold vast amounts of shadow energy, the very thing that creates life within Tenebris. It is a living force that fuels the survival of all life within the realm. If an Ombra consumes the energy from said crystals, the high and power boost they receive is intoxicating, addictive. But the more an Ombra consumes, the more of a hold the living shadow takes, manifesting physically to twist and corrupt the body. It becomes a parasite. Feeding and controlling the need to consume more and more in order to survive, the living shadows hold together the emaciated body of the infected Ombra in order to prevent shadow energy from ripping through them, destroying both host and parasite.As Daji age and get to the crystallisation process, erratic crystal forms erupt all over their bodies in random places. A painful and degenerative process, leaving them unable to move at times as they scream and writhe in agony, if they ever reach that age. They're essentially ticking time bombs, living shadows only ever able to contain the shadow energy within until enough is consumed to violently rip them apart.

Daji Bestiary Page - By RosenniaArts

Realm of shadows

Physical Traits

Realm of shadows

Physical appearance
Skin of varying hues coated in scales of pure shadow along their form with matching sets of horns that adorn their heads. The size or number of horns and scales that cover the body directly correlates to the amount of shadow energy that Ombra has. Those with large horns are able to manifest more energy but the drawback is that if their horns are broken then their power can be severely and permanently reduced. Just like with the horns, those with vast amounts of scales can hold greater power. Larger Ombra sometimes even form plated scales along their body to simultaneously grow and protect their power.
Reaching this humanoid stage brings on a whole new level of intelligence where they learn to manipulate and control the shadow energy inside of them which is connected on a deeper level of their emotions.

Ombra's connection between their magic and emotions are so great that they can become a danger to themselves in intense situations causing their magic to grow rapidly. So much so that if they aren't able to find an outlet for this mass of magic it can rebound on their bodies like lightning from their scales and horns, causing deep scars. While this connection can be a frightening thing, a deeper connection to one's emotions can allow an Ombra's magic to evolve in unexpected ways, sometimes taking on other elemental attributes with their magic.

EyesOmbra have very distinctive eyes, discerning them from all other species. Feline-like in appearance, the pupils are able to dilate and contract depending on the brightness of their surroundings, giving them an innate advantage in almost complete darkness. Their irises are always a beautiful shade of aqua blue and teal, while the colour of their sclera Almost always being black. In almost impossibly rare cases, some Ombra have been able to hide the shadows in their eyes to show a white sclera.

Realm of shadows

# Tongue and fangs
All Ombra have fangs. How many sets vary between the individuals, though usually it's either one or 2 sets. Single fang-sets have just the canines elongated. Double fang-sets have an extra set behind those.
Ombra tongues are very long and come in varying colours. Some even developing a forked tongue if their feral forms allow it.

Realm of shadows
Realm of shadows

Genders and Genitals

Ombra blood contains a naturally occurring bioluminescence that appears along the clitoris and labia soft barbs of the penis shaft leading to their knot. This also includes anything that may squirt out from said genitalia.
Some ombra are born Intersex, whilst some even identify differently to the gender they were assigned at the point of creation. There are educated medics within Tenebris and the circles of hell who can help reassign the correct gender to an Ombra's identity.Due to the bioluminescence of their blood, any scarring along their body will have a faint glow to it as well.
(Spoilered images due to explicit nudity)

HybridsHybrids are a rare occurrence when Ombra procreate with another demonic or fantasy creature. Ombra are able to breed with the use of fertility rituals in the lunar temples within the circles of hell, and sometimes that means an Ombra may fall for something not of their own kind.These pairings are usually only compatible with humanoid creatures with dark/evil affinities. Things like Dragonkin, Sirens, Succubi.... But no creature of light would be able to conceive a hybrid Ombra. This rules out Angels and other such beings.With the ability to produce children, Ombra are able to produce offspring that will take on the traits of both parents. This usually results in a hybrid feral form that develops around adolescence. The child can in rare cases take on a gradient skin colour of the parents but most will take on greater physical abilities in exchange for a diminished connection to the shadows. The Ombra gene is powerful though, making the child take after the physical appearance of the Ombra parent of the couple is of mixed races. An Ombra produced by a mixed species couple will usually take on the abilities of the other species but with an added shadow characteristic such as a fire ability with black flames..

Realm of shadows
Realm of shadows
Realm of shadows

Regional Characteristics

Many Ombra develop regional traits depending on the environments they are raised in once they take on their humanoid form.

Realm of shadows
Realm of shadows
Realm of shadows
Realm of shadows
Realm of shadows
Realm of shadows


There are Ombra that are unable to fully shift into their feral forms, taking on a half Ombra, half beast shape. Created from the shadows with a full beast form, or born from Ombra parents with the ability to fully shift once old enough, these Ombra lose the ability to fully transform into their feral forms after a major incident either weakens their connection to the shadows, limiting their power, or are physically injured to a point where physically shifting is just not within their capabilities.Half-shifters are a little more common than expected. Tenebris is a harsh and unforgiving world, after all.

Realm of shadows

The Shadows

Over the millennium the shadows have watched over their creations live and thrive and for a while merely content to observe until the day that the heavens took notice of the new realm. For a long, while the heavens observed the new realm, feeling the opposing nature they grew unnerved and hostile towards the force. Eventually, the guiding force of the heavens reached out to the dark realm seeking to destroy it but was met with savage resistance.While the shadows were a naturally impassive force they had watched and learned from their creations, understanding the sensation of murderous intent towards itself as it had seen in many of its creatures before they consumed another, the shadows pushed back against the heavens, driving it back to the border of the two realms.This power struggle lasted millennia, causing the surfaces of the heavens and Tenebris to be irrevocably altered. As the two opposing forces were found to be evenly matched an accord was proposed that the two realms be barred from interacting with each other, including their own creations, meaning a creature of light could never trespass in the shadows and a creature of shadow will never step foot in the realm of light as they disgusted the heavens.The shadows found this acceptable but had their own idea, they didn't wish for its creatures to step forth into such an unsettling realm but was more than ok if a creature of light found its way into its world although without its powers of light and see how well the creatures would fare within its domain and how quickly it would be prey for its inhabitants.

Since the first creatures stepped, flew and swam into the realm it had created, the shadows poured forth its essence into the world allowing any of creatures to harness it if they could only figure out how. Many took to the energy quickly, subconsciously adapting it to their will or evolving with it over time. The shadows quickly began to form a symbiotic bond with these creatures and eventually granted them the ability to evolve further, making the first Ombra. The shadows became fascinated with these creatures, over time giving them collective knowledge at the stage of their evolution so they could watch them grow more quickly.Over time certain Ombra would come to feel the watchful gaze of the shadows over them, sensing the guiding force within them and around them, these Ombra would look to peer back into the shadows, to communicate with them and so the first Seer's were born. Though no words were spoken, the Seer's could feel the subtle flow and reactions of the shadow energy within and around them. Using this bond the Seer's were able to birth new and powerful magics into the world, eventually shattering the barrier between their and other realms, allowing them to travel but also allowing other creatures to make their way in.

A Companion

For countless years, The Shadows have watched over her realm with vast interest, giving it only the one rule, survival of the fittest, so that it could govern itself with minimal interference on her part besides protecting it from the other divine forces, such as the heavens.
As she watched over the Ombra she had created she was filled with love and curiosity which eventually led her to take the guise of one and walk amongst her people. The Shadows found this oddly freeing, to be just one of the hive so to speak and interact with others though it took her a while to build the courage to interact with them, no one has any idea who she is.
Over time this caused the shadows to realize something was missing from their existence, noticing a growing sense of loneliness that still lingered even amongst the throng of others. One day it just came to her, she required a companion, someone to share in her existence and would know of her true self.
The shadows dove deep into herself and scoured the memories of the departed Ombra and pieced together the traits she found most desirable, forming them into a dense mass and slowly breathing life into the new being.At first, it was just a mass of shadows like herself but through the chosen traits and access to the departed memories, the new being chose a large monstrous form from the best part of humanoid creatures they found, taking pride in the powerful form they had obtained. Even with chosen traits, the creaturw was granted freedom of choice and self-discovery and slowly began to learn about their new partner and her realm.They now join her in watching over and protecting Tenebris, even walking hand in hand among the tribes, smiling and laughing, learning what it means to truly love one another.

The Tribe

Ombra and those who have adopted them will be added here as time goes on

Realm of shadows

Naamah - Owned by Lexi

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Eira - Owned by Lexi

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Celeste - Owned by Lexi

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Sa'ga - Owned by Achlys Art

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows
Realm of shadows

Idunn - Owned by Achlys Art

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Eir - Owned by Achlys Art

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Skadi - Owned by Achlys Art

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Aderyn - Owned by Cosmic

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows
Realm of shadows

Lisbeth - Owned by Cosmic

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Ari - Owned by Cosmic

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Sirenna - Owned by Cosmic

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows
Realm of shadows

Athame - Owned by Cactus

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Kalika - Owned by Cactus

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Akettu - Owned by Noxling

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Elvanna - Owned by Kaviardose

Realm of shadows

Llelindra - Owned by Kaviardose

Realm of shadows

S'sabrea - Owned by Mummbles

Realm of shadows

Casúr - Owned by Sgt_Kal

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Aiseanna - Owned by Sgt_Kal

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Draoithe - Owned by Sgt_Kal

Realm of shadows

Leo - Owned by Sgt_Kal

Realm of shadows

Maeva - Owned by FrozenShark

Realm of shadows

Rexa - Owned by FrozenShark

Realm of shadows

Seiglinde - Owned by Gilquest

Realm of shadows

Bronwyn - Owned by Gilquest

Realm of shadows

Sylvanna - Owned by Gilquest

Realm of shadows

Marimar - Owned by Gilquest

Realm of shadows

Nephthys - Owned by TinyLizardLick

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Casiavryla - Owned by Fairfaxleasee

Realm of shadows

Ze'evelvl - Owned by Fairfaxleasee

Realm of shadows

Rango - Owned by V0idStatic

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Nubia - Owned by V0idStatic

Realm of shadows

Hera - Owned by Thespitfire

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Askja - Owned by Thespitfire

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Asahi - Owned by Aly

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Aithne - Owned by Aly

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Nir - Owned by Aly

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Eiko - Owned by Night

Realm of shadows

Isadora - Owned by Juustan

Realm of shadows

Elvarinne - Owned by Shannachka

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Lucine - Owned by Shannachka

Realm of shadows

Opashi - Owned by Xenoture

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Zerene - Owned by Slithice Cultist

Refsheet Page

Realm of shadows

Onyx - Owned by Alexia Rosenne

Creatures of Tenebris

Ombra have able to create what's called a Shadow Bond with another creature of dark affinity- giving them, in most cases, an empathic link to that creature allowing them to sense the emotions and desires of one another. In the case of more sentient creatures of higher intelligence, the link can evolve into a Psy-bond, allowing the two to communicate telepathically within a certain distance but still have the empathic link that can be felt at all times. This bond is created when an Ombra fuses part of its energy into the creature's body making a sigil of the Ombra, the sigil will also show on the wrist of that Ombra as proof of their connection, the Ombra can then focus energy into the sigil and summon their bonded companion granted they have the required energy left. This bond can't be forced onto an unwilling creature, the creature must have some sort of affection or respect for the Ombra for this bond to take place. This bonding isn't taken lightly. If the bonded creature is killed then the connected Ombra will feel as if part of their soul has been destroyed but if the Ombra is killed then the bonded creature will also die.


One of such creatures is the Karakul. Karakul are feline in appearance but form a symbiotic relationship with the flora of Tenebris and so have beautiful and mysterious flowers growing from them. Their bodies are exceptionally light due to them being almost completely hollow and void of large internal organs. This is so that the flora can grow and provide nutrients to the creatures whilst the Karakul ensure the plants survive and spread their seeds wherever they roam. This partnership also gives the Karakul a bioluminescent glow which varies in colour from creature to creature.Their average height gets to around 5ft 7" at head height, but will obviously vary and, sometimes, to extreme degrees. Diets are mostly carnivorous, though some have been known to be omnivorous.

Owned Karakul

Deuces: Owned by Achlys
Lil: Owned by Cosmic
Rosi: Owned by Taamira
Petra and Sapphire: Owned by Zach aka Squid
Ankathi: Owned by Irish


Ulfer are one of the dark denizens of Tenebris who have recently shown themselves to the Ombra, for better or worse. Amphibious creatures, Ulfer live comfortably either on land or in water, they are formed of a type of gel-like Ombrite giving them a very flexible and fluid form except for their skull and spine which remain in their solid crystalline form. Ulfer have the ability to release mist from their paws as they run to help them disappear as well as almost seamlessly fade into large bodies of water. Their gel-like form allows for swift and fluid motion and manoeuvrability as well as providing vicious attacks from their whip-like tails which can be cracked out with enough force to damage stone. Like the Karakul, Ulfer are able to form a Shadow Bond with Ombra but they vary from the feline counterparts as the Ulfer are the ones to choose their partners if they choose any at all. The Ulfer are highly intelligent and can even communicate a low vocabulary with their bonded partner. While some Ulfer remain in the village the majority come and go as they please, either by themselves or in small packs of 3 or 4 but this is rather rare. The Ulfer have also been seen to make bonds with the Daji making them an even more deadly duo.

Realm of shadows


C'elia are mushrooms given life by the shadow energy of Tenebris and range from very small to the size of towering buildings. They have a very simplistic mindset, like a child almost. C'elia are always happy to help with any task as long as it can be done with simple commands. These adorable creatures feel no pain which makes some very entertaining experiences. They have similar life cycles as Ombra, so once they die, they'll crystalize, then any fungi growing on/in close proximity they'll be able to absorb the shadow energy.

Realm of shadows


These cute but deadly moss balls are sentient beings.... to a degree. With the intelligence of the average house cat, though cat owners fully understand how intelligence doesn't always mean smart. Retractable teeth make them savage little things, rolling and bouncing with speed to hunt down any that provoke it, though that takes quite some doing with these somewhat docile creatures.

Realm of shadows

Ombrite Amalgamations

Ombrite amalgamations are living beings composed of mostly liquid Ombrite crystals. These creatures take on many forms ranging from small beetles to giant dragons, though the most common represent the forms of typical house cats.

Realm of shadows

Tree Lore coming soon


In Tenebris, pure Ombra emerge from the shadowed earth across the realm in their feral form. Upon reaching adolescence they evolve into their humanoid forms and live mostly in solitude or until they chance upon one of the various Ombra tribes. Here they are usually welcomed with open arms. Once Ombra take on the humanoid change, they are gifted a base set of universal memories and understanding given from the shadows as all Ombra souls return to the shadows when they pass on. These memories provide the base understanding of language and social constructs.

Realm of shadows

Concept art of housing


From the moment an Ombra takes on the change from their feral existence and gains their humanoid form they are blessed with the knowledge of the shadows. An imparting of collective knowledge and experiences of many who came before them, giving speech, customs, and other insights into what they will need to make it through this monumental change in their existence, adapting to meet their new future head-on. Ombra call this Aariv, the gaining of wisdom.

Village Structure & Hierarchy

Most Ombra tribes are matriarchal societies usually led by a Chieftess. Advised by a Seer, who can commune with the shadows themselves, and a Legatus, the strongest warrior beside the Chieftess herself. The Seer and Legatus serve as the left and right hand of the Chieftess and form a council. Although on rare occasions, some tribes are led by their strongest warrior. This societal structure only applies to the tribes of Mystic and Bruiser Ombra.The Seer looks after the mystics and the personal training of their abilities. She advises the chieftess where best to apply someone's talents, such as a crafter, along with her duties being the Seer.The Legatus commands the Bruisers and hunters of the village, training them to fight off any and all attackers that come to the village gates.While being the head of the tribe, the Chieftess usually makes it her mission to work alongside each part of the tribe as no task is too small or beneath them, allowing them to grow the village and form strong bonds with each tribe member.The third type of Ombra though, The Daji, live in lawless tribes ruled by the strongest among them. Daji are creatures that reject the higher sentience of Ombra civilization or succumb to the intoxicating consumption of raw shadow energy. Preferring to continue their lives in a more animalistic mindset than their Bruiser or Mystic counterparts, Daji hunt in packs and live nomadic lifestyles in an effort to survive the wilderness of Tenebris. Their diet is carnivorous, hunting the wildlife around them, though this is not what they believe sustains them. Daji will feast on the dark energies stored within Ombrite and other Ombra. Cannibalism is common when a display of power is necessary.


Realm of shadows

While many Ombra find themselves in monogamous relationships, Ombra society believes in all forms of love as long as those involved are happy. Poly relationships are just as common where 3 or 4 Ombra come together to love one another, even having and raising children among the group. It's also widely accepted that many Ombra don't see the need for a partner in the relationship sense and choose to just have casual sexual partners. For Ombra to have children they are still required to make the journey to the lunar temple where they take on a fertility brand allowing them to become fertile. This is required for both male and female Ombra. Occasionally, one might also adopt a younger Ombra that wanders into the village and take care of them as a single parent even though the younger appears as an adult, they are still mentally immature and can cling to the other creating that parental bond.

Fertility Rituals

Since 1st Generation Ombra are born from the shadowy earth of Tenebris, their bodies have not developed the ability for creating the materials needed for conception. Because of this, many Ombra who wish for children make a pilgrimage to the Unholy Lunar Temple. A dangerous journey to the far corner of the second circle of hell. When they arrive, they speak with the Lunar Priestess and perform a ritual that engraves a fertility symbol somewhere on the body of both the Ombra. The ceremony is carried out by the partners but can also be performed by the lunar priestess if they are alone but still wish for a child. This ritual allows for the creation of eggs within the female and is the only way a male seed can become virile. Ombra wish to conceive with another species, they both must partake in the ceremony as the sigils must match in order to attune their bodies to one another.These rituals are open to all, regardless of gender identity, even allowing for surrogacy to take place.These sigils can be added and removed upon another pilgrimage to the temple, allowing for multiple births with multiple partners. But due to how dangerous each journey is, most tend to accept that once is enough, and so choose their partners/surrogates wisely.

Death and the Hymn of the Departed

One of the things an Ombra learns about is Death and what it means to their people. That they will one day return to the shadows from whence they came. Ombra roughly live for a millennium and once they reach arund the 800-year mark, their body begins to crystalize, usually starting with their horns or scales in their last century. They begin to feel the change happening in their bones and know their time in this world is ending. This is usually when they start to put their affairs in order and begin to pass on their knowledge as well as a special gift, something made of them to be passed on to someone close or, if they so choose, to be changed into a statue, something of their liking and be placed in the crystal garden at the heart of the village.Within Lyali these duties would fall to the Seer, Theia, but with the passion shown by her head acolyte, Nephthys, Theia has passed onto her the right to handle the affairs of the soon-to-be departed. Nephthys will do her best to make sure the last wishes of the Ombra can be realized. One of these meetings will be held with the village artisans. The two of them will go over if they wish to leave something passed on or become part of the garden. The gifts they will pass on are made from the Ombrite-turned horns of the Ombra and are painlessly removed by the artisan using their abilities. These can be anything from jewellery, trinkets, tools, weapons and with the artisan there they will take a spare chunk of Ombrite to make a rough draft of what the item will look like, he will then remove their horn and take it back to his shop and work on the piece there with Neph allowing her to add her own energy to the process before giving it to her to be presented during the ceremony.With only a few days left, the village gets together for the ritual to help the Ombra embrace the shadows with a happy heart, surrounded by the community who loves them, and when it's time, everyone will gather at the crystal garden. At this time, the Seer will begin to lead the acolytes and anyone who wishes to join, in the Hymn of the Departed. Neph will take the hand of the Ombra and slowly lead them, down the central path of the garden to a giant crystal tree where Nir is waiting silently. This tree is the true heart of the village and one of the strongest connections to the shadows, Neph will wrap the Ombra comfortably in her shadows before lifting them up into the tree, whose branches will extend and wrap around the Ombra, allowing them to lay back and gaze up into the brilliant nebula of stars that is the sky of Tenebris. Once settled and listening to the hymn of their people the Ombra will give themselves to the tug of death they can feel on their energy and allow it to take hold and fully crystalize. The Ombra will become one with the tree, transferring its energy back into the tree and thus back into Tenebris and the shadows, slowly turning to ombrite dust and being spread across the garden by the wind. This is how the shadows gives its gift of knowledge, it's actually the knowledge of past Ombras memories, given to the next generation. There are so many that there's no distinct memory from an Ombra but all the base knowledge they should know at the time of the change.It's at this time that either the gift left behind from the Ombra will be passed on to its recipient by Neph or Nir, who will step forward and with their Ombrite manipulation, gather the storm of dust descending onto the garden, liquifying it swiftly moulding it into the statue they wished to be immortalized as, having practiced the design multiple times to perform it perfectly, they will then move and place it into its final resting place.

Unnatural Deaths

In a world where survival of the fittest is the law, not everything can be as sweet and simple. People and creatures die unexpectedly every day. For Ombra who die unnaturally by beasts, accidents or other enemies, if the body can be recovered, a piece of high-grade Ombrite is placed within them, usually liquefied down and fed into the mouth. The high-grade nature of the Ombrite when consumed actually crystallizes and breaks down the body.Like the ceremonies held within the tribes, they are placed in their respective places or turned to dust and added to the garden.Unfortunately, there are creatures in the world of Tenebris that won't allow for a natural death, that won't allow for those to return to the shadows, one such creature is the Daji. Many warriors and Ombra end up battling with these nightmarish aberrations who were once Ombra, not only losing their energy as the Daji suck out the shadows from other creatures but their life force, causing them to crystalize. This is a true death and the spirit and energy are consumed instead of returning to the shadows. After a battle, if possible, the crystals are reclaimed and brought to Neph, who cleans the crystals, in a way purifying them before taking them to the garden and resting them at the base of the crystal tree. The Seer will lead those of the village into the hymn, without energy the crystals quickly turn to dust where Zel gathers them once more, this time adding fresh ombrite dust into the mix, forming a sword. Zel will hand this sword off to Arach, the Legatus of the tribe and leader of the warriors, who will take the sword and plunge it into the ground in a separate section of the garden surrounding a giant obelisk in remembrance of the bravery of the fallen who were denied the embrace of the shadows.


When an Ombra dies, their spirits turn into shadows and return to the source of shadows herself where their collective memories gather to help guide the next Ombra when they take their change. Those memories allow them to know speech, culture, community, and many other things at a base level, allowing the now humanoid Ombra to join in tribal society. In a world created by one where the only rule is survival of the fittest, that creature which sourced the shadows and Tenebris is not without kindness or compassion and on the one day of remembrance, Iranti, which comes but once a cycle, the memories once more take shadowed bodies and re-join the living for but a few hours in celebration and unity.
The shadows herself and her partner expend a vast amount of their power to allow the dead to once more commune with the living as long as they were not granted a true death, killed and consumed by a Daji, or fell in a place outside of the realm of Tenebris. Daji are also unable to return because of what their corruption does to their souls.
During Iranti, the fallen return in shade-like forms with little distinguishing characteristics of their former bodies but are still recognized by their presence. Many Ombra choose to bring out food and alcohol for the fallen to share a meal and stories, others spend this time training, practising skills, trades or magic from the fallen. While there may not be a specific Ombra still alive to remember a fallen, many choose to come back and simply walk the streets of each village where a group of musicians and singers will usually gather in the village centre, performing throughout the day to give something for all to enjoy.

Realm of shadows


One of the magics that some mystic Ombra possess is the ability to open portals between the realms. Regarded a high-level power and very draining on the Ombra using it. Still, over the years, a few Ombra artisans have found the ability to turn the crystalline remains of those powerful Ombra into KeyStones.Gem-like crystals with the Ombra sigils carved into one side while the other side is left blank. An Ombra wishing to use one of these just has to trace the sigil of the realm they want to visit onto the blank side using their blood and magic, which will react to the power resigning within the keystone and open a personal portal. This portal will only allow the Ombra, using their blood as a key to travel through it. These portals will open in random areas of the other realm if only the core sigil is activated; making a circle around the realm sigil with specific runes will allow them to open in more exact locations. So an Ombra needing to use a portal in an emergency and only using the core realm sigil could pop out anywhere within the destination realm.While most tribes do have access to these KeyStones, very few Ombra travel between the realms. Besides Tenebris, which is the realm of shadows, the most commonly visited and known realm is fire, also known as Hell.Each domain has a unique core nature. It can be off-putting to one not born or accustomed to that realm's nature. Ombra are used to the chaotic nature of Tenebris and feel at home within it, but one first setting foot into the realm of fire will feel mentally and emotionally drained for a while by its evil nature. That being said, there are still several Ombra that travel back and forth between the realms to trade or adventure, some even choosing not to come back.The sigils of the other domains are less commonly known, and some, such as the sigil of light, have been erased from Tenebris; even if an Ombra were to learn this sigil elsewhere, their magic wouldn't be able to open a portal.


Realm of shadows

One of the magics that only a handful of mystic Ombra possess is the ability to open portals between the realms. Regarded a high-level power and very draining on the Ombra using it. Still, over the years, a few Ombra artisans have found the ability to turn the crystalline remains of those powerful Ombra into KeyStones. Gem-like crystals with the Ombra sigil carved into one side while the other side is left blank. An Ombra wishing to use one of these just has to trace the sigil of the realm they want to visit onto the blank side using their blood and magic, which will react to the power resigning within the keystone and open a personal portal. This portal will only allow the Ombra, using their blood as a key to travel through it. These portals will open in random areas of the other realm if only the core sigil is activated; making a circle around the realm sigil with specific runes will allow them to open in more exact locations. So an Ombra needing to use a portal in an emergency and only using the core realm sigil could pop out anywhere within the destination realm.While most tribes do have access to these KeyStones, very few Ombra travel between the realms. Besides Tenebris, which is the realm of shadows, the most commonly visited and known realm is fire, also known as Hell. Each domain has a unique core nature. These natures can be off-putting to one not born or accustomed to that realm's nature. Ombra are used to the chaotic nature of Tenebris and feel at home within it, but one first setting foot into the realm of fire will feel mentally and emotionally drained for a while by its evil nature. That being said, there are still several Ombra that travel back and forth between the realms to trade or adventure, some even choosing not to come back. The sigils of the other domains are less commonly known, and some, such as the sigil of light, have been erased from Tenebris; even if an Ombra were to learn this sigil elsewhere, their magic wouldn't be able to open a portal.

Shadow Bonding

Ombra have the ability to create a shadow bonds with creatures they have a deeper connection with. Once in a lifetime they can reach out to a creature and bind their shadows, allowing an innate understanding of one another's emotions. Pulling on this bond, the Ombra can summon their companion to their side when they need them but if the Ombra were to fall, their companion would also perish. If the companion were to perish instead, the ability to form that bond would be lost and the Ombra would forever feel slightly less than they once were.It's not a commitment to be taken lightly and it's one the companion must agree to as every creature of the shadows knows and understands what that bond means.There is another kind of bond that is unique to the Ombra, one that connections Ombra to one another. An Ombra can release their shadows through their touch and allow it to wash over another, sinking into their being, if they allow it, while their own reach out in turn, coalescing into a direct link between the two that allows them to feel the desires and emotions of the other or others if more then one are in direct contact that wish for this bond to take place.

Affinities & Abilities

Elemental Affinities
All Ombra possess the capability to unlock a second affinity with their shadow magic, this is usually achieved after overcoming some kind of emotional trauma or challenge as Ombra magic is deeply connected to their emotional state. This second affinity is incorporated with their shadows changing their nature. These changes can be applied in many different ways but only a handful ever unlock their true potential applying them in unique ways.
The earth affinity allows the shadows to become more corporeal, being able to become more whip like and even bloom flowers from them the flowers vary between Ombra.
The water affinity allows the Ombra to have a greater control of the complexity of their shadow manipulation. They are also able to manipulate sounds easier including their voices.
The air affinity allows the shadows to form more quickly and travel distances faster. They can also control the air around their shadows in small areas.
The fire affinity changes the appearance of the shadows from dark mists or smoke to black flames which can burn enemy's or objects the caster desires.
Ombra MagicOmbrite Manipulation
Mystic ability - rare
Rare mystic ability to covert Ombrite into a liquid state to craft into other objects or be wielded as a weapon. Reserved for certain jobs and takes around 200 years to learn and must possess a second affinity for water.
Bruiser Ability - Common
Bruiser ability to heal other Ombra. Since bruiser magic is naturally applied throughout their body they have a great understanding of their own anatomy and can use this knowledge to push their magic into another Ombra's body to speed up their own natural healing to close wounds and mend flesh. They can't mend bones or scales and when hurt Ombra to a certain degree they aren't able to preform this on themselves.
Life Weaving
Mystic ability - Common
Mystic Ombra with a second affinity for earth magic are able to commune with the energy in the plants and trees around them, guiding them to grow in certain ways helping in the construction of buildings and structures built into the trees. Job specific to Life Weaver.
Both Mystic and bruiser - Locked to those with Feral forms able to fly
Any Ombra with the know-how can string shadow magic between their arms and legs to form webbing to glide from high places but Ombra with feral forms possessing flight can articulate their shadows to form actual or elaborate wings. While this still only grants the ability to glide it would allow them to travel farther already knowing how to ride air currents.

Any class - common
The ability all Ombra possess to create unique illusions to the shadows that hug around their body, usually used for clothing.
Mystics - Rare
A rare meditative ability where a mystic Ombra flushed most of their shadow energy outside their body, creating a shadowy clone of themselves that links their senses giving the Ombra the ability to see and speak through the clone although the main form of the Ombra is unable to move while this is happening.
Shadow Bond
Any Class - Uncommon
An ability all Ombra possess to form a permanent bond with a creature of the shadows linking their lives together. An Ombra can only have one shadow bonded creature in their lifetime. If the Ombra dies the break in the link will kill the bonded creature but if the creature dies the Ombra will be unable to form another bond for the rest of their life. Those with a stronger bond to their bonded animal have a greater connection to animals of that species.
Bruisers - Common
Bruisers are able to use their stored energy in bursts of physical feats like surging adrenalin through their bodies for a limited time. This can allow for devastating blows within combat or lift something twice their usual limits. Overuse of this ability can create devastating effects though such as shredding their muscles and tendons leaving them immobile until healed.
Mystics - Extremely rare
A super rare ability to open rifts in the realm allowing one to travel to another realm. This ability is the hardest ability for a mystic to learn and only a small handful of Ombra have mastered it. Once used the Ombra who cast it will have little energy for the rest of the day needing to rest and recover.
Bruiser - Common
Bruiser ability to pour their magic into their plated scales either to defend from an attack or using it to turn their body into a battering ram.

Any class - Uncommon
Ability to condense down shadows into a temporary armor or small shield. Ombra with the earth second affinity are able to manifest this ability quicker and for a longer duration.
Ombral Touch
Any Class - Common
Infuse their hand or object being held with shadowy energy that acts like an infection or poison to anyone without a shadow affinity. The affects are increased when energy is directly imbued into an open wound or bloodstream.
Dark Gaze
Any Class - Uncommon in bruisers, Common in Mystics
Imbue their eyes with shadow energy that can disorient a target that makes eye contact, duration and intensity determined by class. Bruisers can use this in short bursts lasting a second while Mystics are able to prolong the effect for a small handful.
Shade Aura
Mystics - Uncommon
Release an aura of protective shadows that makes any environment more palatable , lessening the sensation of cold or heat.
When selecting abilities for your Ombra, please ask myself or Irish if it will be allowed if it is a rare or uncommon ability. We keep tabs on which Ombra has what so can easily inform you of what is available or what is over-used

Tribes of Tenebris


Long ago before the descendants of this tribe claimed the name of Lyali, they were a powerhouse that ruled over the southern forest dominion of Tenebris but great power in the wrong hands led to corruption. A foolish mystic Ombra tried to claim the title of king over all the other tribes seeing himself as the most powerful, believing himself the equal to the shadows themself. At this point in the history of Tenbris, the appearance of the Daji was a rare occurrence as most never thought to abuse the power of Ombrite. The “king” was different though, he would use any advantage to spread his influence and one day discovered the intoxicating sensation and power of feeding on Ombrite. With his discovery, he sold the idea of this power as their rite and forced almost all of the tribe to start consuming the material. It wasn't long before he would come to regret this mistake, the weaker-willed Ombra were the first to change into the Daji, now wielding great power began to attack and feed on their own people. It was like a domino effect, more and more Ombrite was consumed to gain power to fight off the turned tribesmen thus creating even more Daji. This led to the darkest day in the history of Tenebris as hundreds of Daji were created and slaughtered through most of the tribe before sinking their claws into their “king”. While this was happening the tribe's Seer led the children and non-combatants to safety through her rift ability, spiriting them away far from the ruins of their home.Over many years these Ombra roamed across Tenebris trying to find a new place to call home. Eventually, they found a relatively safe and defendable forest that hadn't yet seen the ravages of the Daji or other horrors that roam in the shadows. A century later this place would become one of the main trading hubs among Tenebris thanks to the Keystones and Rift Gates allowing travel to the surrounding tribes and realms beyond. This has made the current tribe of Lyali a melting pot of Ombra spanning many different tribes and even members of other races that have found their way there from across the realms and now call it their home.

Realm of shadows

Ocean Tribe - Thalune

Deep within the depths of the ocean where monstrous leviathans and eldritch abominations have trickled over from the realm of water. A tribe of Ombra have made the unfathomable abyss their home. Long ago many sea-faring Ombra came across a long series of connected underwater caves and catacombs and decided to make it their home, eventually adapting to the pressure of the depths and gaining fin-like hands and tails along with fish-like scales. This tribe is led by a stunning chieftess, truly a beauty of the sea, aided by a seer and legatus. The three are bound by heart, body and soul, guiding the ocean tribe to greater and greater heights. While the depths have great dangers, they also hold a bounty of stunning material unseen on the surface world, shells, corals, and crystals, all glowing in a myriad of colors. Many of the Ombra of this tribe work as artists and artisans creating lovely works from what they find down below.

Mountain Tribe - Lerial Highlands

High among the clouds where the air grows thin the earth turns into solid stone, halls and homes have been dug out and called home by the mountain tribe of Ombra. This tribe truly takes to their environment as their scales have hardened and become one with stone, some even developing natural mineral pockets or veins along the thicker patches of their scales. This tribe is a bit unique as it does not follow the usual Ombra hierarchy and instead follows the word from their ancestral protector, a massive Ombrite amalgamation dragon, hand-crafted by the shadows themself. Long ago the creature was struck down into the earth from battle, in time a group of Ombra came across the creature and nursed its wounds back to health, fascinated and appreciative of the Ombra's kindness, the creature made an oath to look over their tribe until it's last breath. Over the centuries many other creatures have come to call the mountains their homes, one of which is the shadow wyverns who under the tribe's protector, have formed a pact, allowing many of the tribe to bond with them and become masters of the sky, able to traverse the many floating islands high above the clouds.

Ice Tribe - Avala

As you traverse the world of Tenebris, eventually you will come across the frozen tundra where blistering cold and ice winds cull all but the strongest of creatures. Very few flesh and blood creature can manage to call this place home but one such tribe of Ombra are not only surviving in the extreme sub-zero temps but thriving in them. Deep within the center of the frozen plains resides a great fortress of ice that has survived for countless generations from the naturally forming monstrosities of ice and snow given life by the wild magics in the wind. A lone legatus rules here with an iron fist for his enemies and a fatherly hand for his tribe to lift them up to a higher strength. The Ombra of the ice tribe has truly become one with ice and snow, their scales becoming jagged and sharp, their skin becoming paler. They have grown the ability to regulate their body temp in any environment, able to walk out into the harshest blizzards as if it was nothing but a windy day. Under the current leader, the tribe has grown a bit more… rambunctious than the others in the last half-century, taking on a Viking-like lifestyle where all train and fight daily for honour and glory. While they battle fiercely they love their people even more so and have some of the biggest hearts.

Deep Forest Tribe - Marrarood Grove

If you travel far enough through the woods of Tenebris you may find yourself in a place where the canopies of the trees grow higher and higher, stretching out farther across into massive monoliths that blot out the starry sky. The farther you traverse in you notice that the trees begin to look older, more ancient as they have petrified becoming Ombrite with an almost greenish hue amongst its glow, this is the deep forests of Tenebris. A single seer rules over this tribe as one of the oldest still living matriarchs, nearing the last century of her lifespan. With the unique environment and energies of the deep forest, this tribe has developed an unusual trait among its members, some taking on the nature-attuned energy around them causing seasonal changes to their scales and horns, some even naturally growing plants or flowers along them. The seers of this tribe are said to be some of the ones with the strongest connection to the shadows across Tenebris and they show it with their tremendous and frightening displays of magic as the deep forest tribe is constantly at war with the Daji, some of which have turned into truly nightmarish beings after feeding on the energies of the forest.

Desert Tribe - Ciadura

While Tenebris might not have a sun, there are places along it's surface that still find themselves in what feels like a blistering inferno. The desert of Tenebris isn't for the faint of heart as the scorching sands can quickly become a death trap for those who enter it's domain. A myriad of colours run along the sands as if reflecting the nebulous expanse in the sky above. Few living creatures are able to call this place home for if the heat and lack of water don't take you out, the multitude of Ombrite amalgamations crossing the sands will surely spell your doom. Despite all this, a desert tribe of Ombra have decided to call this place their home. These Ombra have adapted to the heat and formed a way to control their internal temperature to find the inferno almost pleasant. Their individual scales have shrunken down to reflect the appearance of the sands around them allowing for better camouflage. The Ombra of the desert tribe are one of the few tribes where a majority of their people have the same second affinity, that of fire. While deadly in combat, many choose to focus more as artisans, creating wonderful sculptures from the sands around them into stunning works of glass though quite a few have learned to manipulate the Ombrite dust in the sands into gorgeous weapons like arrowheads or throwing knives that are much lighter and sharper then just Ombrite.

Swamp Tribe - Ramheim

Far into the wilds of Tenebris, past the tall forests and mountains, is a series of swamps and marshes that spread out as far as the eye can see. These wetlands, while humid and rough to traverse, are some of the most dangerous across all of Tenebris. This environment has bred some of the most skilled stealth and assassin like creatures ever to slip forth from the shadows. The swamps create perfect cover whether from the thick trees and vines to the deep, sometimes chest-high water, where monsters look to drag you down into their depths. Standing at the apex of this area are the swamp tribe of Ombra, ones who have adapted to better blend in with the swamp, many having green or brownish hues and growing webbed feet and hands to travel much more quickly through the water. The current chieftess of this tribe has pushed many of her people to pursue assassin and stealth-like fighting styles or develop complex traps to ensnare their prey. Due to this, the swamps are one of the few places that the Daji fear to tread as many of them never come back alive.

Concept Art To Come Soon

Rituals, Ceremonies, Holidays

Death and the Hymn of the Departed

One of the things an Ombra learns about is Death and what it means to their people, that they will one day return to the shadows from whence they came. Ombra roughly live for a millennium and once they reach the 800-year mark their body begins to crystalize, usually starting with their horns or scales in their last century, they begin to feel the change happening in their bones and know their time in this world is ending. This is usually when they start to put their affairs in order and begin to pass on their knowledge as well as a special gift, something made of them to be passed on to someone close or, if they so choose, to be changed into a statue, something of their liking and be placed in the crystal garden at the heart of the village. Within Lyali these duties would fall to the Seer, Theia, but with the passion shown by her head acolyte, Nephthys, Theia has passed onto her the right to handle the affairs of the soon-to-be departed. Nephthys will do her best to make sure the last affairs of the Ombra can be realized. One of these meetings will be held with the village ombrite artisans, the two of them will go over if they wish to leave something passed on or become part of the garden. The gifts they will pass on are made from the Ombrite-turned horns of the Ombra and are painlessly removed by the artisan using their abilities. These can be anything from jewellery, trinkets, tools, weapons and with the artisan there they will take a spare chunk of Ombrite to make a rough draft of what the item will look like, he will then remove their horn and take it back to their shop and work on the piece there with Neph allowing her to add her own energy to the process before giving it to her to be presented during the ceremony.With only a few days left, the village gets together for the ritual to help the Ombra embrace the shadows with a happy heart, surrounded by the community who loves them and when it's time everyone will gather at the crystal garden. At this time, the Seer will begin to lead the acolytes and anyone who wishes to join, in the Hymn of the Departed. Neph will take the hand of the Ombra and slowly lead them, down the central path of the garden to a giant crystal tree where Nir is waiting silently. This tree is the true heart of the village and one of the strongest connections to the shadows, Neph will wrap the Ombra comfortably in her shadows before lifting her up into the tree whose branches will extend and wrap around the Ombra, allowing them to lay back and gaze up into the brilliant nebula of starts that is the sky of Tenebris. Once settled and listening to the hymn of their people the Ombra will give themselves to the tug of death they can feel on their energy and allow it to take hold and fully crystalize. The Ombra will become one with the tree, transferring its energy back into the tree and thus back into Tenebris and the shadows, slowly turning to ombrite dust and being spread across the garden by the wind. This is how the shadows gives its gift of knowledge, it's actually the knowledge of past Ombras memories, given to the next generation. There are so many that there's no distinct memory from an ombra but all the base knowledge they should know at the time of the change.
It's at this time that either the gift left behind from the Ombra will be passed on to its recipient by Neph or Nir will step forward and with his ombrite manipulation, gather the storm of dust descending onto the garden, liquifying it swiftly molding it into the statue they wished to be immortalized as, having practiced the design multiple times to perform it perfectly, he will then move and place it into its final resting place.
Now in a world where survival of the fittest is the law, not everything can be as sweet and simple, people and creatures die unexpectedly every day. For other Ombra who die unnaturally by beats, accidents or other enemies, if the body can be recovered, a piece of high-grade Ombrite is placed within them, usually liquefied down and fed into the mouth. The high-grade nature of the Ombrite when consumed actually crystallizes and breaks down the body.
Same as before, they are placed in their respective places or turned to dust and added to the garden.

Unfortunately, there are creatures in the world of Tenebris that won't allow for a natural death, that won't allow for those to return to the shadows, one such creature is the Daji. Many warriors and Ombra end up battling with these nightmarish aberrations, not only losing their energy as the Daji suck out the shadows from other creatures but their life force, causing them to crystalize. This is a true death and the spirit and energy are consumed instead of returning to the shadows. After a battle, if possible, the crystals are reclaimed and brought to Neph, who cleans the crystals, in a way purifying them before taking them to the garden and resting them at the base of the crystal tree. The Seer will lead those of the village into the hymn, without energy the crystals quickly turn to dust where Zel gathers them once more, this time adding fresh ombrite dust into the mix, forming a sword. Zel will hand this sword off to Arach, the Legatus of the tribe and leader of the warriors, who will take the sword and plunge it into the ground in a separate section of the garden surrounding a giant obelisk in remembrance of the bravery of the fallen who were denied the embrace of the shadows.

Realm of shadows


It is said that when an Ombra dies, their spirits turn into shadows and return to the source of shadows herself where their collective memories gather to help guide the next Ombra when they take their change. Those memories allow them to know speech, culture, community, and many other things at a base level, allowing the now humanoid Ombra to join in tribal society. In a world created by one where the only rule is survival of the fittest, that creature which sourced the shadows and Tenebris is not without kindness or compassion and on the one day of remembrance, Iranti, which comes but once a cycle, the memories once more take shadowed bodies and rejoin the living for but a few hours in celebration and unity.
The shadows herself and her partner expend a vast amount of their power to allow the dead to once more commune with the living as long as they were not granted a true death, killed and consumed by a Daji, or fell in a place outside of the realm of Tenebris. Daji are also unable to return because of what their corruption does to their souls.
During Iranti, the fallen return in shade-like forms with little distinguishing characteristics of their former bodies but are still recognized by their presence. Many Ombra choose to bring out food and alcohol for the fallen to share a meal and stories, others spend this time training, practising skills, trades or magic from the fallen. While there may not be a specific Ombra still alive to remember a fallen, many choose to come back and simply walk the streets of each village where a group of musicians and singers will usually gather in the village center performing throughout the day to give something for all to enjoy.